Indiana girl, 7, buried alive playing in hole on south Florida beach

Indiana’s Sloan and Maddox Mattingly were doing what every child does when their toes hit the soft sands of a beach. They started playing and digging.

But the sand, at Lauderdale-by-the-Sea beach, took on a life of its own and swallowed the two siblings, claiming the life of Sloan, 7, and leaving her brother Maddox, 9, fighting for his life in hospital.

And now the children’s parents and loved ones are grappling with the “freak accident” that took the life of the “purest human being.”In mid-February, Therese and Jason Mattingly packed their two children Maddox, 9, and Sloan 7, and escaped the chilly winter of Fort Wayne, Indiana to the sunny beaches of Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida.

On February 20, before 3 p.m. the family was making memories at the beach, the children playing in a large sand hole near their parents.

“Everybody’s screaming,” cried a beachgoer, who after seeing people frantically digging through a hole, called 911.

According to People, the caller told dispatch, “There’s a child that they’re trying to get out.” The caller then explained she heard the children’s father “yelling for help because his child is caught in a hole in the sand,” and while she was on the phone, the caller said the mom began yelling, “My daughter’s in there.”






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