Michael Jordan Refuses $100M for a 30-Second Super Bowl Spot With Lebron James: “Not On Your Life”

The reports are true. Michael Jordan said no to a 30-second Super Bowl commercial worth $100 million because he refuses to work with LeBron James.
According to our source inside the LA Lakers organization, the team was asked by Ferarri to waive their right to LeBron’s image and name so they could use him. The same request went out to Nike for Jordan.

“Jordan straight up said no,” said Nike Vice President of Public Relations Joe Barron, “There was no way he was gonna spend any time on a set LeBron. He calls the guy a crybaby 11 times a day on average.”

That’s right, my fellow Americans. You heard it first here at The Dunning-Kruger Times, where every store will either reward the people you admire or punish those you don’t. Fortunately, without the need for all of that “research” when we quote a source, we can bring you the truth in ways other publications only dream of.Neither Jordan nor James was available for comment, but their spokesman, Joe Barron, who somehow works for both of them, said we should stop calling there before they file harassment charges. NOTE: This is borrowed satire






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