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Chris Pratt: His Faith Journey and Recent Engagement
Jurassic World star Chris Pratt recently proposed to Katherine Schwarzenegger. In his announcement of their engagement he told Schwarzenegger he was “proud to live boldly in faith with you.” Their relationship is the culmination of a decades-long faith journey for Pratt.
Pratt has been open about how a chance encounter in a parking lot in Maui opened his heart to God. At the time, Pratt was living in a van and hadn’t yet decided to pursue acting. A man stopped and told Pratt that “’Jesus told me to stop and talk to you. He said to tell you you’re destined for great things,’” Pratt said in an interview with Esquire.Pratt says he became a Christian that night. Four weeks later, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting.
His faith journey continued when his was son, Jack, was born nine weeks premature. In his family’s time of need Pratt turned to prayer.
“It restored my faith in God, not that it needed to be restored, but it really redefined it,” Pratt told People.
After a month in the hospital, Jack was able to go home. Pratt credited the “power of prayer” for saving his son and became more vocal about his faith in the following years.When he received a star on the Hollywood walk of fame he referenced Psalm 126:3 “The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” While accepting an award at the Movie & TV awards he told the audience “God is real. God loves you, God wants the best for you,” and “Learn to pray. It’s easy, and it is so good for your soul.”In early 2019, Pratt posted a video explaining that he was doing the Daniel Fast, a 21-day biblically inspired diet that focuses on prayer and fasting.
Pratt knows that his faith might make him stand out in Hollywood, but says he feels called to share his love for God with other people.
“That kind of message, it might not be for everybody. But there is a group of people for whom that message is designed,” he told the Associated Press. “And nothing fills my soul more than to think that maybe some kid watching that would say, ‘Hey, I’ve been thinking about praying. Let me try that out.’”
Belief has been the foundation of Pratt and Schwarzenegger’s relationship. They went to church together many times while dating and make faith a priority.
Pratt knows exactly who to credit for their relationship.
“Thrilled God put you in my life,” he said. NOTE: This is borrowed






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