How to Get Free Tickets to “The View”

Are you a fan of “The View” and always wanted to see the show live in New York? The tickets are free and they’re pretty easy to get, especially if you’re flexible.

Requesting tickets is easy, but sometimes it’s hard to find a date that there are tickets available. “The View” is a very popular show and when they have big celebrities on, everyone wants a ticket. Yet, it never hurts to try and you’ll have a ton of fun when you do get to sit in the studio audience.

How to Get Free Tickets to ‘The View’
The online ticket calendar makes it very easy to see which tapings of “The View” are already filled to capacity. It will also tell you who the guests will be on any given day. Of course, that can change and the calendar only extends about three to four weeks ahead, but it will give you a good idea of what to expect.

“The View” is taped in New York City on weekday mornings. On some days they also tape a second show in the afternoon.

You can request tickets by visiting “The View” ticket request page on, which is a website that distributes tickets for a number of talk shows. You do have to register with 1iota to request tickets.
For open show dates, you’ll be placed on a waitlist for tickets. If you are selected to receive tickets, you will be notified by
Request no more than four tickets and apply for only one day.
You can also request tickets for groups of five or more. In fact, the show is particularly interested in hosting groups. If you have a group, reach out to the show at
Once you are confirmed with tickets, you will receive an email and be given further instructions. The show tapes at ABC Television Studios, 57 West 66th Street, in New York City, which is between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West.
Note that having tickets does not guarantee entrance. Tickets are handed out over-capacity so the show ensures a full studio audience. Seats are first-come, first-served for ticket holders. The show will do its best to get you into a future program if you are denied entrance on your requested day.
Things to Consider Before Going
The most important thing to remember when attending a taping of “The View” is to dress appropriately and bring very few items with you. You will be standing in line and TV studios are known to be on the chilly side with very little excess space. Plus, you might be on TV, so you’ll want to look your best and be sure to follow their dress code.

Audience members must be at least 16 years old. You will need valid photo identification to get into the taping. It should include a birthdate and address.
Standby tickets for “The View” are available the day of taping. Arrive at the studio at 9:30 a.m. at the earliest. Tickets are handed out on a first-come, first-served basis after regular ticket holders are seated.
Dress like you’re going to an upscale, casual dinner. Wear vibrant, solid colors. The show reserves the right to deny you access if you’re dressed inappropriately. That includes wearing black or white solid colors, shorts, t-shirts, sleeveless tops, hats, or clothes with large logos.
Remember that you will have to wait outside until seating takes place. That wait can be from one to two hours, so dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes.
There is no coat check and space is limited. The show recommends that everything your bring fit into a “small bag or purse.”
Photography is allowed, but only during designated times. Cameras only as cell phones and other devices are not permitted. You cannot take any videos, either. NOTE: This is borrowed






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