Found it in my In-Laws’ Drawer: What’s This??

I recently came across an interesting item in a drawer at my in-laws’ house, nestled among their butter dishes and other kitchen utensils. To give you an idea of its size, I placed a fork next to it for scale. I had no idea what it was, so I turned to the good folks online for some answers.

One person humorously suggested it’s a bone for a glass dog, which was supposedly bred in the early 19th century but had such a short lifespan that they couldn’t survive. However, the more credible and popular answer seems to be that it’s a knife rest.

A knife rest serves a very practical function and also adds a touch of elegance to any dining setting. It’s an object designed to keep the blade of a knife from touching the tablecloth or surface when the knife is not in use. This helps to prevent stains or mess on your beautiful tablecloth, especially during formal dinners.

One insightful follower mentioned that their grandmother owned two of these and frequently hosted grand, elegant meals. They reminisced about using tiny crystal spoons to sprinkle salt from individual salt cellars over their meals during Thanksgiving and other holiday dinners. They lamented how traditions like these seem to be fading away because the younger generation often doesn’t know how to handle such fancy dinnerware.

Another reader described it humorously as a baby dumbbell, but quickly corrected to explain its true purpose—to rest a knife so it doesn’t soil the tablecloth. They emphasized that it is used for the table knife, not the butter knife, which remains placed across the bread plate.






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