Jennifer Garner is not afraid to be real at 50

In the other-worldly tempest of lights, cameras and attention that is Hollywood, it seems very few individuals are able to exist without selling at least part of their soul.

Whether by design or by accident, making it big changes almost everyone in some way, and so those few who are able to remain true to themselves and their core values really should be respected.

Jennifer Garner most certainly sits in that category of celebrity.

Now 50 years old, the actress has been a mainstay in the Hollywood spotlight for long years, but if anyone can lay claim to never forgetting where they came from, and not letting the money and fame get to their heads, it’s her.

Garner is no stranger to posting photos where she’s not caked in makeup, and to our knowledge she’s never been one to indulge in operations or ‘treatments’ to alter her physical appearance.

The result? Well, at 50, we think she looks absolutely beautiful …






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