‘Why isn’t anyone congratulating me? Sadly, my daughter’s arrival wasn’t celebrated…’

The lives of Eliza Bahneman and her husband were permanently transformed on October 25, 2018, when tiny Bella was born.

Bella startled her parents by coming home a few weeks early. She also surprised them by arriving as one of the most precious jewels you can find. “We are pregnant!” Everyone wants to hear these when making family-planning decisions.

The entire pregnancy process took my husband and I around nine months. My anxiety and trepidation were beginning to grow. There are so many different feelings that one might experience when thinking about having children.I was fortunate to have my sister, sister-in-law, and a few girlfriends know about my pregnancy. We were all a few weeks or months apart from one another. Having someone to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of your pregnancy with was wonderful.

Aside from the fact that life might throw a massive curveball at any time, our path has taught me a lot about life. We are not always ready for change, but we are sometimes.

Like other couples, as our due date approached, we began to feel the excitement of bringing our little one into the world. The space was ideal and prepared to receive our infant. Both our family and we were eager to show them what we had produced. Observing the characteristics the infants shared with each parent was so much joy.






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