Jane Fonda Accused Of Treason During Live Broadcast

In a fiery interview on Fox News, former Trump aide Stephen Miller launched a scathing critique of Jane Fonda, labeling her Vietnam War protests as treasonous acts that should not be forgotten.

The 83-year-old activist, known for her recent opposition to the Keystone pipeline, found herself under intense scrutiny for her controversial actions during the Vietnam era.

Appearing on Fox News, Miller wasted no time in condemning Fonda’s historical activism, asserting that her journey to Vietnam in the 1970s amounted to treason against the United States. He argued that her collaboration with North Vietnamese Communist propaganda, including radio broadcasts and sitting on an anti-aircraft battery, was an egregious betrayal. Miller posed a pointed question to viewers: should Fonda, who he claimed committed treason, still be revered as a hero?

Fonda’s 1972 trip to North Vietnam became the focal point of Miller’s Fox News segment. He emphasized her vocal condemnation of the American military on Vietnamese radio, her provocative photo next to an anti-aircraft gun, and her symbolic gesture of wearing a Vietnamese soldier’s helmet. These actions, Miller insisted, earned her the infamous moniker ‘Hanoi Jane,’ a nickname that continues to evoke strong reactions among US veterans.






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